Chiropractic Manipulation
Chiropractic is a Greek word combination meaning hands (cheir) and practice (praxis) – hands-on therapy. During chiropractic manipulation, hands are used to apply pressure to the body or spine of a patient to correct or adjust alignment and improve function. Not only does the manipulation restore natural movement, but it also reduces pain and relieves stress.
Early chiropractors lacked the scientific background to gain the respect medical doctors received, but the chiropractic theory has advanced, making chiropractic manipulation an accepted treatment for musculoskeletal pain.
When seeking chiropractic treatment, a full examination is needed. A list of medications and medical history is obtained, as well as possible tests or x-rays. Once the condition has been identified, a treatment plan is developed that may include other modalities, such as heat, ice, electrical stimulation, or exercises, to enhance the chiropractic manipulation. Home exercises may be prescribed for further treatment and healing.
During manipulation, controlled forces are applied to the ailing joints with the use of either hands or a hand-held device. The resulting adjustment is designed to improve the function of the joint and relieve pain. Typically, more than one manipulation will be administered.
The Fascial Pain Clinic can provide effective treatment for many physical conditions. Joint pain, neck pain, back pain, and even some nonspecific chest pain. Call (808) 621-6299 for the Wahiawa and Honolulu office and (808) 565-8001 for the Lanai office for help with your pain.