Active Stretching
Flexibility and mobility are especially important to athletes but even less active people need to maintain both to avoid pain and continue regular daily routines. When mobility and flexibility are inhibited, Dr. Tracy Matsumoto offers a variety of active stretching exercises for improved elasticity and range of motion.
Active stretching exercises target muscles and tendons by flexing or lengthening to create a stretch that is different from other types of stretching exercises. The Fascial Pain Clinic will provide patients with appropriate exercises to do at home.
Active stretching contracts one muscle to force an opposing muscle to relax and stretch without the use of external forces. This is also often referred to as static active stretching as it is held in one position for a specified period of time and the muscle does not actually move. The active muscle holds the targeted muscle in place without the use of weights or bands. Static active stretches are typically held for 10 to 15 seconds.
The team at The Fascial Pain Clinic will provide training for the correct execution of active stretching. Certain positions may require some explanation for the specific reactions expected from different areas of the body. Some stretching works better after a set of exercises. The prescribed home regimen can easily be performed, as no special equipment is needed.
The Fascial Pain Clinic is accepting new patients at its Wahiawa, Honolulu & Lanai locations.